Bethan Burton

Mindful nature journaling for connection and self care


Artist and Environmental Educator, Bethan Burton,
will give a workshop on using mindfulness and nature journaling
to deepen our connection inwardly and outwardly:

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My nature journal journey began during a very difficult period in my life. The practice of closely observing nature, dropping into the present moment and connecting with the world around me, was a balm for my nervous system and a source of joy for my heart. I learned that nature journaling can heal. I learned that nature journaling can connect a person to their inner-selves as well as the world.

Join me for a workshop on using nature journaling as a mindfulness tool, to calm the body and mind and bring more joy into life. We will talk about mindfulness in nature and then do some mindful drawing together. Bring along your favourite mark-making tools.


Find out more about Bethan Burton on her website, as well as on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Listen to the Journaling With Nature Podcast here.