

Welcome to the program for International Nature Journaling Week 2024

We are celebrating the cycle of life this year by looking closely at some of the biological processes
that occur in nature.

Click the button below each theme for more information and inspiration.



Germination and emergence

Today we are focusing on the processes of germination and emergence. We will pay attention to new beginnings, the emergence of life and the start of new growth cycles.


Growth and development

Once emerged, most living organisms will undergo a process of growth and development over their lifespan, changing in size and shape as they mature. Today we will focus on the growth we see in our nearby nature.


Day 3

Metamorphosis and transformation

As part of their lifecycle, some organisms undergo metamorphosis—a process where we observe transformation from one physical form to another. We will explore is process of dramatic change.

Day 4

Reproduction and replication

Reproduction in nature is the diverse processes by which organisms create offspring. From plant pollination to bacterial cell division, we will look at the multitude of ways nature creates a new generation.



Fruiting and Dispersal

Fruits are one of the strategies that biology uses to allow plants to disperse their seeds far and wide. We will take a look at the fruits of various species and the processes through which seeds are dispersed.



decay and decomposition

Death, decay and decomposition are all part of the natural cycle of life. While we often prefer to ignore this part of the cycle, we can find beauty in the return to the earth in preparation for the cycle to begin again.



Renewal and regeneration

Everything in nature goes through cycles which are continually turning. Today we will focus on the cycle of life beginning anew. We will celebrate the renewal of life, as well as the regeneration of landscapes that support life on our planet.


Where to from here?

Next Steps

International Nature Journaling Week is only the beginning. We can use this week as inspiration to keep going. Let’s talk about ways to create a solid nature journaling habit and bring nature into your life every day.


If you have enjoyed the week, please consider making a donation to help cover the cost of running this event.
Your generous support helps make International Nature Journaling Week possible.
Thank you!