Verena Hillgärtner & Bethan Burton

Colours Across Continents

1st June, 12 noon, Germany (CEST), 8 pm Brisbane (AEST).
You can check these dates for your own time zone using this time zone converter.


Nature journal educators, Verena Hillgärtner and Bethan Burton, WILL GIVE A WORKSHOP
exploring colours from opposite sides of the globe:


In this workshop we will explore local colours in nature, looking and appreciating the unique colours that surround us. Verena will share the colours of her Berlin home, and Bethan will contrast this with the colours of Brisbane, Australia.

Bring along a photograph or a nature treasure that represents the colours of your own home and explore your local colour during the workshop.


Verena Hillgärtner - As an artist, educator and naturalist, I love to observe nature and to document it in my Journal. After studying art education (BA) and working as a forest kindergarten teacher, I started my own business as a wilderness educator and "Nature Journal Teacher" here in Berlin, Germany. I give regular on- and offline Nature Journaling Workshops where I help people to rewild and find their path of creative nature connection and curiosity with just a pen and some paper.