Nature journaling as The Way

There are different kinds of treasures in this world. Some of them are created over the years of hard work. Other ones are locked in private collections, museums or galleries.  And there are treasures that live deep in the hearts of people who cherish them and share with others. These treasures are songs, stories and experiences. They are a core of life itself. They are life-giving and inspiring.

My treasure is nature journaling.  One of the first thing I was amazed by when we moved to Montreal, Canada, was the simple plantain. Later I was excited to notice chamomile too.  They became my friends who were the silent witnesses of the power of simplicity and acceptance. 


I was born and raised on the other continent, in Ukraine. As a little baby, I was making my first steps in this life, these two plants became my friends. Seeing the familiar plants in the Northern America opened me to the totally new perspective of getting to know Canada through the wildflowers and birds. It is my way of learning about foreign country, its culture and falling in love with it. It's the similar to finding new friends around the world and enjoy book crossing, sending postcards, recipes. In both ways, we start building our knowledge by pieces of loved glimpses of familiar buildings, landscapes, smells and melodies.

My first journal was very simple and portable. Now I have several of them. One is settled on the shelf next to the books and watercolor paints. It is the perpetual journal (my big shout out to Lara Gastinger @laragastinger for the inspiring idea and explanations).


The other is dedicated to the challenge of #52species (hosted by Jill Wignall @the_little_oak_learning ) through the year. It was a little bit scary to start such a big project!  As I was making a plan I understood that 52 is a bare minimum. The nature is much more generous to reveal the living creatures I can witness and share on the pages of my sketchbook.


Journaling is a deeply therapeutic activity too. Now, when we have scarcely a couple green places open, it is even more important to connect to the nature regularly.  The fact of being locked inside the crowded spaces, with the fear spreading from every media source, created a huge amount of stress.  But when you walk at least a kilometer almost in any weather it seems more bearable. When you cherish the song of the strong wind, winter ice diamonds, or the rainbow in a fountain in summertime - this all makes your blood flow in the same rhythm as the nature around. It makes you feel more alive.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not the most outdoorsy person. I wouldn’t go outside if neither kids nor me feel good enough or the weather is horrible. But if it is possible to spend at least 20 minutes outdoors, we go. We walk and talk, and sketch everything that's possible to find.  Or at least we make photos to admire and sketch later. 

That brings us back to the treasures. It becomes a treasure itself. Living in a tangible harmony in urban spaces is tough but it's worth trying. It is my way to be rooted and flourish where I am. What is your way?

P.S. My deepest gratitude to Bethan @journalingwithnature for the invitation and patience, and Anna for the genuine support and proofreading. My love and respect to my husband for his continuous support and care that made it possible to keep creating.



Find more of Ingeborgh’s beautiful work on Instagram @ingeborgh.sketcher.