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I am excited to announce International Nature Journaling Week. The aim of this event is to bring more awareness to the community about nature journaling and to celebrate nature connection across the world.

Nature journaling is growing in popularity. As we come to realise that our current lifestyle is not sustainable, either for our world or for our own personal health and wellbeing, many people are looking for alternative ways of living; ways of slowing down, tuning-in and getting in touch with what is real.

Nature journaling offers a way of connecting with nature that will deepen your understanding of the world and of yourself. It helps you to be present with what you see, feel and experience with the senses in any given moment, which is a form of meditation and mindfulness. Nature journaling truly is an activity for the whole family. Parents can enjoy journaling side-by-side with young children. Babies can start to nature journal as soon as they are old enough to hold a brush. Teaching young children to articulate what they see and feel while in nature will develop emotional intelligence and allow them to grow into adults who care deeply about the world. This is what our world needs now. People who care. People who love nature and are ready to take action to protect what we still have.

This website is going to be a hub for journaling information and inspiration. Each week there will be new blog posts from nature journalers around the world, sharing their knowledge and inspiration with you. Sign-up to the newsletter so you don’t miss an update. 

Thank you for being here and happy journaling!

Warmly, Bethan


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